Geochemical Trends in Weathering Profiles and Their Underlying Precambrian Basement Rocks in Akure, Southwestern Nigeria
Akure area in southwestern Nigeria falls within the basement complex underlain by migmatite, quartzite granite and charnockite. Geochemical features of these crystalline rocks and their overlying in-situ weathering profiles are investigated and reported. Analytical result from ICP-MS facility at the University of Malaya reveals average SiO2 content in quartzite (91.1%), granite (73.8%), migmatite (67.4%) and charnockite (58.6%) categorize the rocks as siliceous. SiO2 contents in the weathering profiles above these rocks are 61.9%, 60.2%, 52.2% and 54.6% respectively. Alumina contents in the weathering profiles overlying quartzite (23.8%), granite (19.9%), migmatite (26.3%) and charnockite (24.3%) are substantially higher than the precursor rocks. In the same order, average alkali (Na2O+K2O) contents in the profiles are 3.38%, 3.42%, 3.48% and 2.68%. Chemical features of the profiles reflect that there exists some correlation between the chemistry of crystalline basement and their in-situ weathering profiles. The residual soils contain low plastic clays with kaolinitic characteristics and compare well with other clays reported from other parts of Nigeria basement complex.
Akure; Nigeria; Geochemical trends; In-situ weathering profile; KaoliniticReferences
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