Efficacy of Acid-treated Sawdust in Decolourization of Tanning Wastewater
Colour removal from dye-bearing effluent is a serious challenge due to the difficulty in treating such wastewater by conventional treatment methods. The present investigation explores the decolourization of contaminated wastewater using acid-activated sawdust as an adsorbent. The physicochemical properties of wastewater samples labelled A, B, and C vizaverage temperature; pH; electrical conductivity; and total dissolved solids were determined using standard methods to be 302.63; 6.1; 284.47 µS/cm;35116.66 mg/L respectively. Colour removal efficiency of the adsorbent was studied under variable conditions (contact time, rate of agitation,loading). Experimental results demonstrated that the sawdust adsorbent has a significant capacity for colour removal from tannery effluent. There was significant variation in the absorbance of the treated samples. Adsorbent dose, stirring rate, and contact time were found to be directly proportional to colour removal while pH variation of the samples show that the effluents became less alkaline (slightly acidic) after decolourization.Keywords:
Wastewater; Acid-modification; Sawdust; Physicochemical propertiesReferences
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