Petroleum Filling Stations and Their Impact on the Environment in Nigeria
The poor state of the environment, especially in urban areas, has become a major global issue, with developing countries such as Nigeria voicing growing concern. There is a scarcity of knowledge on the environmental impact of PFSs as a result of the loss of life and property, as well as other serious socio-economic implications of non-compliance with PFSs siting criteria. The historical literature on the impact of residential buildings, the environment, and human health on PFSs in Nigeria, as well as the study's gap, is examined in this research. It also outlines DPR compliance with PFSs location as well as established criteria for prohibiting PFS sitting in Nigeria's states. Relevant publications on PFSs-related topics were downloaded from Google Scholar. The goal of this study is to look back on a previous essay about PFSs in Nigeria and its impacts on the environment and human health. This study's main purpose is to give a complete overview of Nigerian PFSs. According to the article analyzed, the majority of PFSs were located close to residents, with setbacks from the road and residential areas of less than 30 m in 90% of the filling stations. As a result, the landowners can band together to argue that a facility that is improperly sited cannot be built. A great deal of public participation is required. A campaign should be launched to raise awareness among filling station owners and other developers of the dangers of non-compliance with established norms. All violators of the established norms, as well as corrupt officials of enforcement agencies/bodies, should face open punishment so that others might learn their lessons. Finally, appropriate planning is required to allow future road expansion.
Petroleum filling stations (PFSs); Environment; Health; Impact; Department of Petroleum Resource (DPR)References
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