Nature-based Natural-hazard Preparedness: A Cross Section of Categorized Examples
Despite prevailing interests, no rigorous research has been conducted to examine the role of nature in natural-hazard preparedness. This systematic review aimed to describe how nature can reduce the impacts of natural hazards during the preparedness stage. The study focuses on the land, water, and air systems and on three types of stakeholders: international organizations, developed countries, and developing countries. Further, it provides supplementary strategies, such as immediate actions, local engagement, and research and development, that the stakeholders should apply to enhance their nature-based natural-hazard preparedness. We suggest integrating costs and benefits analysis, local culture, societal challenges, and environmental justice into the implementation of nature-based solutions. Finally, this review outlines the framework of nature-based natural-hazard preparedness by discussing the relationship between nature and society.
Nature-based solutions; Costs and benefits; Land; Integration; SocietyReferences
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