Impact of Metro Rail Transit Systems in Metropolitan Cities: A Bibliometric Analysis
The research investigates the evolving context of Metro Rail Transit (MRT) systems, using a thorough bibliometric analysis to identify patterns, trends, and significant contributors impacting scholarly debate. The study focuses on the effects of MRT systems in metropolitan cities, looking at both existing studies and new areas for future research. The primary goals are to examine the evolving publication scene, identify prominent individuals and entities, analyze keyword networks, and understand current research subjects. The study aims to provide a complete understanding of the effects of MRT systems to guide future research and inform urban planning decisions. Using bibliometric approaches, the study examines a varied dataset of scientific publications about MRT systems. The examination includes advancements in publication trends, identification of significant contributors, and analysis of keyword networks, titles, and abstracts to help untangle the complexity of MRT systems’ impact. The study uncovers dynamic shifts in scholarly contributions, emphasizing research themes and identifying significant contributors, organizations, and countries fostering creative discussions. Transit-oriented development, environmental sustainability, and socioeconomic ramifications are key topics that match global goals. The study meets its aims, offering significant insights into the various effects of MRT systems in metropolitan areas. By analyzing growing trends, identifying major contributors, and explaining key topics, the research lays the groundwork for future investigations, directing educated urban planning decision-making. The study’s future implications stem from its ability to drive further research, emphasizing the continued importance of investigating real-world consequences, ethical considerations, and fair access to emerging technologies. As urban mobility advances, this study offers the framework for informed decision-making and continuous innovation in metropolitan transit networks.
Bibliometric analysis; Transit system; Transit oriented development; Transportation planning; MobilityReferences
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