Mineral Composition and Distribution of Silt and Oxides in Shatt Al-Arab Deposits, Basra, Iraq
Understanding the mineral composition and distribution of river deposits is crucial for environmental management, resource utilization, and geological studies. This study aims to investigate the mineral composition and distribution of silt and oxides in the deposits of the Shatt al-Arab River, specifically in the Faw area of Basra Governorate. Samples were collected from depths of 0-30, 30-60, and 60-90 cm. The silt fraction (2-53 micrometers) was isolated, and mineral analysis was conducted using XRD and a point-counting device. Morphological characteristics were determined using a polarized light microscope. XRD analysis revealed the presence of minerals such as quartz, calcite, dolomite, smectite, kaolinite, chlorite, illite, hematite, magnetite, and albite at varying depths. Polarized light microscopy identified additional minerals within light and heavy fractions. The study found a dominance of monocrystalline quartz and opaque minerals, with magnetite being more prevalent than hematite across all depths and a high correlation coefficient with depth (0.96). Depth-specific variations in mineral composition suggest the need for further research in different locations and at greater depths. These findings provide insights into sedimentary processes and potential resource utilization in the region, making this study significant for regional geological and environmental research. Future research should focus on the temporal changes in mineral composition and their impact on sediment dynamics to enhance the understanding of regional geological history and resource management.
Sand; Mineral composion; Shatt al-Arab; Tigris; EuphratesReferences
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