Effect of Elevated [CO2] and Nutrient Management on Grain Yield and Milling Quality of Rice in Subtropical India
The climate change due to mingled effect of rising [CO2] level and temperature will influence crop production by affecting various components of the production system. In the present study, Open Top Chamber (OTC) facility has been used to realize the consequence of rising [CO2] with nutrient management on rice crop. The experiment was organized in open field and inside OTC with ambient [CO2] (400 ppm) and elevated [CO2] (25%, 50% and 75% higher than ambient) in wet season of the year 2017- 18 at Kharagpur, India. Increase in [CO2] level resulted decreasing trend in growth, yield attributes (filled grains number) and grain yield. The nutrient management with use of only chemical fertilizer at recommended dose gave highest grain yield, which was comparable with integrated management using chemical and biofertilizer. Post-harvest processing quality such as head rice percentage and the head rice yield decreased significantly with CO2 elevation. The elevated [CO2] with 25 to 75% higher than ambient, reduced the head rice percentage by 13 to 21 %. The research stated that investigations on climate change adaptations should be made to avoid the negative impact of rising [CO2] level and temperature on crop yield and processing quality.
Biofertilizer; Climate change; Open top chamber; Processing quality; Rice yieldReferences
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