This paper investigates the finite-time H∞ control problem for a class of nonlinear discrete-time one-sided Lipschitz systems with uncertainties. Using the one-sided Lipschitz and quadratically inner-bounded conditions, the authors derive less conservative criterion for the controller design and observer design. A new criterion is proposed to ensure the closedloop system is finite-time bounded (FTB). The... More
Abstract: This paper proposes a batteryless sensing and computational device to collect and process electrocardiography (ECG) signals for monitoring heart rate variability (HRV). The proposed system comprises of a passive UHF radio frequency identification (RFID) tag, an extreme low power microcontroller, a low-power ECG circuit, and a radio frequency (RF) energy harvester. The microcontroller and ECG... More
Facility management and maintenance of the Thermal-Energy-Storage AirConditioning (TES-AC) system is a tedious task at a large scale mainly due to the charging load that can increase energy consumption if needed to be charged at peak hours. Besides, maintenance of TES-AC at a large scale gets complex as it contains many sensor data. By... More