View Vol. 5 ,  Iss. 1 (April 2023)

Journal of Electronic & Information Systems

ISSN: 2661-3204 (Online)

Vol. 5 , Iss. 1 (April 2023)

  • Article

    Design of Multi-gas Monitoring Device for Indoor Air Quality

    Serri Abdul Razzaq Saleh, Huda Jamal Jumaah, Zainab Ali Khalaf, Sarah Jamal Jumaah

    Article ID: 5390    DOI:
    483  (Abstract) 202  (Download)


    Besides the need for low-cost instruments for air pollution measurement and detection, nowadays there are many concerns about air pollution due to the fast changes and used technologies. This research was applied using an MQ2 gas detector, and microcontroller/Arduino-Uno. The design steps included bonding and connecting readymade sensors, coding, and finally testing the device. Testing... More

  • Article

    The Theory on Thing’s Limits. Part 2: A Brief Analysis of the New Knowledge of Newton’s First Law

    Jian Ding

    Article ID: 5548    DOI:
    593  (Abstract) 356  (Download)


    According to the norm of identifying truth in this theory, and Newton’s first law as a basis that can look at the overall situation, and by virtue of the electron storage ring as an experimental fact, it is pointed out: Only in reality can there be inertia. Inertia represents the continuity of the development of... More

  • Short Communication

    A Doppler Location Method Based on Virtual Path Difference

    Yu Tao

    Article ID: 5496    DOI:
    177  (Abstract) 7  (Download)


    This paper presents a Doppler passive location method for moving targets with fixed single station using the Doppler frequency shift and time difference information. First, based on the relationship between frequency shift and path difference, the virtual path difference is calculated from the measured value of Doppler frequency shift by means of mean value correction.... More

  • Article

    An Improved Power Efficient Clock Pulsed D Flip-flop Using Transmission Gate

    B. Syamala, Thamarai Muthusamy

    Article ID: 5574    DOI:
    461  (Abstract) 228  (Download)


    Recent digital applications will require highly efficient and high-speed gadgets and it is related to the minimum delay and power consumption. The proposed work deals with a low-power clock pulsed data flip-flop (D flip-flop) using a transmission gate. To accomplish a power-efficient pulsed D flip-flop, clock gating is proposed. The gated clock reduces the unnecessary... More

  • Article

    Underwater Image Enhancement Using MIRNet

    Thamarai Muthusamy, S P Aruna, Kamesh Sonti, P.Sudheer Chakravarthi

    Article ID: 5600    DOI:
    473  (Abstract) 24  (Download)


    In recent years, enhancement of underwater images is a challenging task, which is gaining priority since the human eye cannot perceive images under water. The significant details underwater are not clearly captured using the conventional image acquisition techniques, and also they are expensive. Hence, the quality of the image processing algorithms can be enhanced in... More

  • Article

    The Refractive Effect of k-Factor on Radio Propagation over Lokoja, Nigeria

    Akinsanmi Akinbolati, Florence N. Ikechiamaka, Akogwu O. Isaiah

    Article ID: 5583    DOI:
    217  (Abstract) 21  (Download)


    The effective earth radius factor (k-factor) has a refractive propagation effect on transmitted radio signals thus making its study necessary for the proper planning of terrestrial radio links and power budget. This study was carried out over the city of Lokoja, Nigeria, using ten years (2011 to 2020) atmospheric data of temperature, pressure and humidity... More

  • Article

    Introduction to Thermo-Photo-Electronics

    Stanislav V. Ordin

    Article ID: 5580    DOI:
    317  (Abstract) 87  (Download)


    Building the foundations of Thermo-Photo-Electronics became possible only after the correction of thermodynamic errors in the traditional theory of semiconductor Electronics and Photo-Electronics. It is these errors that determined the output of the asymptotics of the operating parameters of semiconductor electronic devices, in particular, both the saturation of the limiting clock frequency of processors, and... More