Increase the Quality of Life through the Development of Automation
This paper discusses needs for the automation of the underdevelopment communities. The novelty of this research is the link between production of microprocessors and increasing of the life quality. This study highlights the importance of efficient and economic architecture of logical circuits for the automation. The aim of this research is to produce a logical circuit, which includes suitable gates. The circuit will be embedded in the automatic devices as a microprocessor to cause programmed functions. This research reports analytically a workshop method to build the circuit. It uses an assembly card and required gates. Then, it suggests certain VHDL codes to drive a motor. The workshop presents the configuration schemes and connection board for every gate. In addition, it shows a schematic wiring diagram of the circuit. Finally, the economic analysis proves the mass production of the circuit will enhance the automation and consequently the quality of life. The outcome of this research is a helpful experience to the engineers, manufacturers and students of the relevant disciplines to resolve the inequality in the use of the modern technologies.
Logic circuits、Digital gates、Microprocessors、Mass production、Quality of life、Assembly cardReferences
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