User and Systems Requirement Framework for Electronic Land Registration Systems Decentralisation in Ghana
Although land registration systems are constantly changing based on entrenched institutional frameworks, they cannot fulfill their technical objectives. Technical designs based on loopholes in the existing land registration system are the common steps in advanced countries. However, the missing link between the implementation of technical designs and their uses and users, affect the prospects of land registration decentralisation in developing countries. User and System requirements are used to integrate and enhance land registration services delivery across land information systems. This study assesses and develops framework for decentralised electronic land registration systems in Ghana. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect user and system requirement data from clients and technical staff of the Lands Commission in Accra. The framework pointed out five main policy outline strategies. These include land registration process modeling (process reduction and turnaround time monitoring), technical function (file tracking), the effect of changes in the registration loupe and absorption of land registration report, land registration workflow improvement, and the use of aerial images. The study recommends a systemic monitoring and evaluation of staff job roles.
Land tenure; Land administration; Land registration; Land information system; Workflow; ModelingReferences
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