Measurement for Phase Difference Rate without Phase Ambiguity
Firstly, the direction finding solution at the midpoint of a single base array is given for the purpose of this paper and the several functions relation between phase and frequency is also described. Then, the expression of phase difference rate is described based on the multichannel phase difference measurement. With stripping time difference item correspond to the baseline length from phase difference rate, a function is extracted which signifies the differential characteristics of wavelength integer and phase difference in a unit of length. Simulation calculation found that the variation of differential function of path difference in a unit of length is very regular. The corresponding corrected value can is determine directly by distinguishing the range of differential item of phase difference obtained by actual measurement. Thus, the function expression can be obtained that is equivalence with the quondam differential function of path difference and that is nothing to do with the difference item of wavelength integer. On this basic, several parameters are analyzed by using the method of phase difference measurement without phase ambiguity. The research results in this paper may provide a powerful technical support for engineering practical design related to the phase measuring.
Phase difference rate; Phase ambiguity; Doppler frequency shift; Path difference; Passive locationReferences
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