Estimation and Analysis of Structural Responses of Asphalt Pavement Using Interlayer Contact Bonding Model
Interlayer contact condition of asphalt pavement has a significant impact on stress transfer and energy dissipation with adjacent layers, so a model considering with the bonding condition of adjacent layers is introduced for evaluating structural response of asphalt pavement. The pavement structure, the material characterization with temperature, the interlayer contact bonding model, the types of bond failure and prediction method of pavement life are described in detail. Results show that the transversely tensile strains at the top of asphalt pavement under the condition of high temperature were easy to cause the top-down cracking outside the dual tires edge. The bonding failure has a significant influence on strains at the bottom of the surface course with the condition of high temperature, especially, the longitudinally tensile strains would increase obviously as the disengaging area between surface course of asphalt pavement and the base layer increase. Finally, it is proved that the surface course is vulnerable to form deformations and cause damage under the combined action of low speed and high temperature.
Asphalt pavement; Interlayer contact; Bonding condition; Structural response; StrainReferences
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