Smart Elevator Systems
Effective vertical mobility is a crucial element in the design and construction of tall buildings. This paper reviews recent “smart” developments in elevator technologies and analyzes how they affect the construction and operation of tall buildings. In an approachable and non-technical discourse, it maps out, arranges, and compiles complicated and dispersed information on various elements of elevator design. It discusses hardware-based machinery, such as AC and gearless motors, machine-room-less (MRL) elevators, regenerative drives, elevator ropes, and LED lighting, as well as software-based solutions, such as destination dispatching systems, people flow solutions, standby mode, and predictive maintenance applications. Future vertical transportation models are also discussed, including multi-directional elevators, and circulating multi-car elevators. Lastly, the paper suggests fruitful avenues for further studies on the subject, such as robotics, 3D printing, and the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on elevator design.
Energy efficiency; Energy conservation; Long distances; Hardware; Software; ApplicationsReferences
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