Adverse Effects of Condenser Cooling Seawater Temperature, Fouling, and Salinity on the Output Power and Thermal Efficiency of BWR NNPs
Increasing the thermal efficiency in newly designed power stations is a priority. Keeping the efficiency in existed plants close to the rated one is of paramount importance. This research contributes to investigating the adverse effects of changes in condenser seawater coolant characteristics, (temperature, fouling, and salinity), on the thermal performance of a Boiling Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant (BWR) NPP. A mathematical model is developed to relate seawater cooling temperature, fouling, and salinity to output power and thermal efficiency. The model also explains the impact of the condenser performance on power and efficiency. The thermal efficiency of the considered BWR NPP is reduced by 2.26% for a combined extreme increases in the condenser cooling seawater temperature, fouling factor of seawater and treated boiler feed water, and salinity by 10 °C, 0.0002, 0.00001 m2K/W, and 100 g/kg, respectively. A rise in the condenser efficiency from 40 - 100 % results in an increase in the output power by 7.049%, and the thermal efficiency increases by about 2.62%. Conclusions are useful for reactor’s design
BWR NPP; Thermal efficiency; Temperature; Fouling; SalinityReferences
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