A Review of CFD Modeling of Erosion-induced Corrosion Formation in Water Jets Using FEA
A comprehensive review of all the related investigations carried on water jet cutting or AWJ (AWJ) cutting is performed. The experimental methods and results used on this subject were examined, defined and compared by the researchers. This research shows that further improvements are possible in the water jet cutting method. In order to reduce the high cost of the empirical technique and increase the time efficiency, it is important to perform computerized Finite Element Analysis (FEA) or Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) based AWJ processing. An attempt has been performed to systematically arranged the research investigations conducted on water jet cutting. The studies on the definition of the nozzle failure, calculate using CFD of water jet cutting or AWJ cutting processes, the studies on the parameters influencing water jet cutting are reviewed and the future work for the further improvement of water jet cutting process is highlighted.
AWJ; Computational fluid dynamics; Erosion-induced corrosion; Finite element analysisReferences
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Copyright © 2023 Kadir Gok, H. Deniz Ada, Nazlıhan Kilicaslan, Arif Gok

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