The Impact of E-commerce on Consumer Purchasing Behavior for the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate how COVID-19 is changing consumer behavior and how it is changing e-commerce trends. This study has been conducted through a qualitative approach. The Coronavirus changed worldwide patterns intensively. These differences are caused by the high levels of accidental and secondary funding that this virus reflects. This study showed how e-commerce has grown due to the coronavirus. As individuals deal with their new living conditions, they have changed their shopping behavior to meet their requirements. The COVID-19 pandemic significantly affects many aspects of life, including how individuals deal with their needs and not their needs. The behavior of people, the nature of businesses, and the manner of life have changed. It spreads fears among individuals that they should avoid interacting with. The effect of Coronavirus has transformed the nature of business in the entire e-commerce globe. In particular, COVID-19 has a substantial influence on global e-commerce and in certain cases, has negative consequences, although generally, e-commerce is quickly increasing because of coronaviruses. Moreover, e-commerce businesses confront various problems, including extended delivery times, movement control challenges, social distance, and lock-up or lock-down. The shipping and supply processes are now rather sluggish, yet people are still buying since they do not have any other option. Thus, people move to technology because of coronaviruses. This study has shown the trend of e-commerce in recent times and also shows how consumers tend to adopt e-commerce. There is no such issue in the previous literature. This study fills in the gaps on these issues and also helps to improve the global economy.
E-commerce; COVID-19; Global perspectiveReferences
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