Increasing Efficiency through Tokenization of Digital Assets in an Exporting Company 4.0
Digital assets have been introduced to the global market as one of the innovations with the potential. Even though their impact on the traditional economy is impossible to measure. Security tokens (ST) are the ones that stand out due to the preference they have from producers and consumers. The former obtains financial resources efficiently for their specific projects. While the latter look for STs in global digital platforms of trust and security. Which are regulated by public securities sales offices. The research proposes a method under the fuzzy logic theory and its applied models. It highlights the use of the triangular fuzzy numbers, the Fuzzy Delfi, Expertons, Hamming Distance, and the fuzzy inference system (FIS). The benefits and limitations of the proposal were highlighted when the proposal was used in an agro-export company. The route or algorithm of the value system to be followed in the execution of the investments stands out. Therefore, the research fulfills its objective and is very useful for small and medium export 4.0 companies. Since they are eager to obtain cash flow to improve their technical efficiency and to be able to export their artifacts to global markets. That is to say, the producer of goods can obtain an unprecedented benefit in an agile and efficient way in the context of Industry 4.0.
STO; ST; SME; Industry 4.0; Asset tokenizationReferences
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Copyright © 2022 José Antonio Trigueros Pina, Napoleón B. Alegre Poma
This is an open access article under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.