Does Knowledge Sharing and Technopreneurship Affect Entrepreneurial Outcomes in Developing Economies? Using The SME and ANOVA Approaches
This study on technopreneurship aims to reconfigure entrepreneurial outcomes, but how knowledge sharing moderates the interaction is an academic and practical concern. This study focuses on how knowledge sharing and technopreneurship affect the entrepreneurial outcome in Bangladeshi small and medium enterprises (SMEs). This research has established the following aims to establish a meaningful association between technopreneurship, knowledge sharing, and the outcomes of entrepreneurial endeavours. In pursuit of knowledge, data were collected through primary sources after establishing the questionnaire's validity and reliability. Findings revealed that technopreneurship and knowledge sharing individually affected entrepreneurial outcomes. However, knowledge sharing could not significantly moderate the interaction between technopreneurship and entrepreneurial outcomes. Hence, the recommendation was anchored on improving knowledge sharing, technopreneurship, and managerial dexterity of owners and managers.
Technopreneurship; Knowledge sharing; Entrepreneurial outcomes; Owners and employeesReferences
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Copyright © 2023 Md. Abdul Halim, Mst. Ismot Jahan, Tazin Mahmud, Md. Golam Mustafa Chowdhury, Pulakesh Basak, K. H. Robel

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