Assessing the Effectiveness of Adhoc-Network and Electronic Government in Abuja, Nigeria
E-Government is the use of information and communication Technologies (ICT) such as internet, smart phones,telecommunication, mobile company among others to interact between government and the citizens in running the affairs of the country such as decision making etc. The impact and potential of ICTs have not been fully exploited in the Nigerian context,leaving government in a weak position to formulate policy comprehensively and implement plans effectively. In addition to the implementation of e-government in some part of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) of Nigeria Abuja, but its effectiveness is not impressive. The citizens connection to the government is limited it can be improved more easily using electronic means of communication, A reduction in corruption cases as accountability and transparency can also be increased, Equal opportunity will be given to all to access information irrespective of the person’s physical location or disability and the elimination of the bureaucracy experienced in government offices. This research work is aimed at assessing the effectiveness of e-government in federal capital territory of Nigeria Abuja using Seoul Metropolitan Government as a yard stick for measuring the effectiveness.Questionnaire was used as a primary method of data collection, internet and library as secondary data. The data obtained from the questionnaire has been analyzed using frequency table and percentage. The findings of this work shows that 41.91% of the respondents agree e-government initiatives have decreased civil servants corruption in Abuja, 46.81% of the respondents agree that E-government services has increased citizens trust in Abuja, 58.11% of the respondents believe that E-government initiative have increased the accessibility to the government in Abuja however 37.11% agree that Lack of Information Technology (IT) infrastructure is the major problem affecting E-government in Abuja.
E-government; Abuja; Seoul; Internet; Smart phones and telecommunicationReferences
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Copyright © 2020 Ibrahim Goni, Abdulrahman Saidu, Umar Maigari T.

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