Mapping Hotspots and Emerging Trends in Global Wetlands Research: A Scientometric Analysis (2002–2022)
Recent studies have focused on wetlands due to their benefits for human spiritual satisfaction and mental health. This paper conducted a scientometric analysis of 2,388 studies published in the Web of Science database between 2002 and 2022. Using VOSviewer, Origin, and CiteSpace software, this study identified research hotspots and emerging trends in wetland research. The analysis revealed an upward trend in global wetland research publications, with notable contributions from researchers in the United States, China, Australia, Canada, and India. Network keyword co-occurrence analysis highlighted primary research themes, including constructed wetlands, climate change, wastewater treatment, phytoremediation, restoration, and hydrology. The United States emerged as the central hotspot for wetland research, with China, Canada, Australia, and other countries following. Given the growing recognition of wetlands' importance, wetland research is expected to gain even more global attention. Moreover, improvements in the quality of wetland tourism research are recommended, as most related publications have low citation rates. This paper provides a methodological overview of scientometric techniques applicable to global wetland research, offering scholars a framework for using scientometric analysis to enhance their future research. The increasing recognition of wetlands' crucial role in human well-being, encompassing both spiritual satisfaction and mental health, has led to a surge in research interest in this field. This study presents a comprehensive scientometric analysis of 2,388 wetland-related publications indexed in the Web of Science database between 2002 and 2022. Employing VOSviewer, Origin, and CiteSpace software, we mapped research hotspots and identified emerging trends within global wetland research. Our analysis reveals a significant upward trend in the volume of publications, highlighting the growing international attention to wetland ecosystems. The United States, China, Australia, Canada, and India have emerged as leading contributors to this research landscape. A network keyword co-occurrence analysis identified core research themes such as constructed wetlands, climate change, wastewater treatment, phytoremediation, ecological restoration, and hydrology. The United States is a central hub for wetland research, with China, Canada, and Australia also demonstrating substantial research activity. Given the escalating importance of wetlands in addressing global challenges, this research area is expected to attract further scholarly attention. We recommend a greater emphasis on enhancing the quality and impact of wetland tourism research, which currently exhibits low citation rates. Furthermore, this paper provides a methodological framework, demonstrating the application of scientometric techniques in global wetland research, thus empowering scholars to utilise such analytical approaches to refine their research. Our study offers a valuable and comprehensive overview of the key research areas, emerging topics, and influential contributors within the field of global wetland research.
Scientometrics Analysis; Global Wetlands; Citespace; VOSviewer; Web of Science DatabaseReferences
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