The Impact of Public Investments on the Development of Sustainable Tourism in The Sharr Mountains Region
The study aims to identify and analyze the perceptions and expectations of tourists regarding tourism development in the Sharr Mountains Region. In the Sharr Mountains Region, sustainable tourism is another opportunity for economic growth, cultural integrity, and environmental conservation. Public investments are vital in enhancing this investment as they help to develop infrastructure, promote businesses, and even promote environment-friendly activities. The research seeks to understand the relationship between public investments and investments in sustainable tourism in the Sharr Mountains region, focusing on the direct and indirect relational aspects of the economy, conservation, and the people. Key questions, address their expectations from public investment, infrastructure improvements, involvement of local authorities and the community, as well as concerns regarding the potential negative impact of tourism on the natural environment and local culture. The methodology of this study includes in-depth research through the quantitative method. Based on the results of data analysis, recommendations include improving tourism infrastructure, increasing awareness of environmental impact, and developing environmental education programs for tourists. Among the proposed actions is the improvement of cooperation between local authorities, the local community, and the private sector for the sustainable development of tourism in the Sharr Mountains Region. Finally, this study provides an essential contribution to the understanding of the expectations, evaluations, and impacts of tourists in this region, defining the key points of sustainable tourism development.
Environmental Impact; Local Community; Local Authorities; Sustainability; TourismReferences
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