Research and Application of Assessment of Wind Energy in Large-Scale Wind Power Bases
Improving the accuracy of the evaluation of the performance of wind farms in large wind power bases located in complex terrain under the actual atmosphere is crucial to the sustainable development of wind power. To this end, this study combined the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model with the Wind Farm Parameterization (WFP) method to investigate the wake characteristics and operational performance of large onshore wind farms in the complex terrain of Jiuquan City, Gansu Province, China. The research results showed that after verification, the systematic error of the WRF simulations was less than 3%. The WRF model and the WFP scheme simulated a significant warming phenomenon within the wind power base area, while a cooling effect was observed outside. The analysis of the wake effects indicated that the impact of Phase I construction on Phase II construction of the wind power base was minimal. During the operation of the entire wind power base, the wind speed within the wind farm decreased by approximately 10%, and the influence range of the predominant wind direction extended over a hundred kilometers downwind. The research conclusions provide a powerful scientific basis for optimizing design and operation, improving efficiency, minimizing the negative impacts on adjacent wind turbines, and ensuring the sustainable development of wind energy through dynamic planning and scientific assessment.
Large-Scale Wind Power Base; Mesoscale Simulation; Risk Assessment; Performance Evaluation and ImprovementReferences
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