Characterization of Mycoflora Associated with Catharanthus roseus Collected from Gardens in Kenitra City, Morocco
This paper reports on the composition of fungal communities occurring on diseased tissues of Catharanthus roseus, which differed between organs. In total, ten different filamentous fungi were isolated, and the percentage of isolation varied significantly among the organs. Botrytis cinerea was the most prevalent fungus found on the plant's aboveground parts, with a frequency exceeding 50%. On twigs, the occurrence rate was 95.6%. It was isolated from leaves with a frequency of 88%, followed by Aspergillus niger (71.66 %), Alternaria alternata (67.33 %), Cladosporium herbarum (61%), Fusarium oxysporum (50.66%), Epicoccum nigrum (57.66%), Curvularia lunata (49.66%), Trichoderma harzianum (40%), and Penicillium sp. (27%). Whereas, Fusarium genus was more represented and six species were recorded: F. subglutinans (26%), F. chlamydosporium (20%), F. vertillioides (15.66%), F. solani (10%), F. oxysporum and F. nivale. Results highlighted dissimilar distribution of Fusarium species was noted on Catharanthus tissues on which F. subglutinas, F. chlamydosporium and F. oxysporum coexist on leaves and roots while F. solani was retrieved from leaves against F. nivale from roots. The floral buds and pods harbored opportunist fungi such as B. cinerea, Alternaria alternata and E. nigrum. On roots, Aspergillus, Penicillium and Fusarium were the main genera occurring with the frequencies of 26% (F. chlamydosporium), 40% (F. nivale), 72.33% (A. niger), 47.66% (A. flavus) and 37.66% (A. fumigatus). But no fungal species were detected on seeds of Catharanthus roseus. This is the first study to describe and enumerate the fungal complex associated with various symptoms on the aerial parts of Catharanthus roseus.
Isolation; Identification; Catharanthus roseus; Mycoflora; MoroccoReferences
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Copyright © 2025 Najoua Mouden, Mohamed Elouardi, Nouha Achajri, Jamal Mabrouki, Rachid Benkirane, Allal Douira, Amina Ouazzani Touhami

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