A Reverse Logistics Network Model for Efficient End-of-Life Vehicle Management in Morocco


  • Imane Rouichat

    Energy, Materials and Sustainable Development (EMDD) Laboratory-Higher School of Technology—SALE, Center of Water, Natural Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development (CERN2D), Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University, Rabat 10106, Morocco

  • Miloudia Slaoui

    Energy, Materials and Sustainable Development (EMDD) Laboratory-Higher School of Technology—SALE, Center of Water, Natural Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development (CERN2D), Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University, Rabat 10106, Morocco

  • Houria El Bakraoui

    Energy, Materials and Sustainable Development (EMDD) Laboratory-Higher School of Technology—SALE, Center of Water, Natural Resources, Environment and Sustainable Development (CERN2D), Faculty of Science, Mohammed V University, Rabat 10106, Morocco

  • Jamal Mabrouki

    Laboratory of Spectroscopy, Molecular Modelling, Materials, Nanomaterials, Water and Environment, 7 CERN2D, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Faculty of Science, AV IbnBattouta, Agdal, Rabat 10106, Morocco

  • Mohamed El Allaoui

    Microbiology and Molecular Biology Laboratory, Research Center: Plant and Microbial Biotechnology, Biodiversity and Environment (BIOBIO), Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat,  Rabat 10106, Morocco


Received: 1 November 2024 | Revised: 12 December 2024 | Accepted: 25 December 2024 | Published Online: 12 March 2025


The Moroccan automotive industry is experiencing steady growth, positioning itself as the largest manufacturer of passenger cars in Africa. This expansion is leading to a significant increase in waste generation, particularly from end-of-life vehicles (ELVs), which require proper dismantling and disposal to minimize environmental harm. Millions of tonnes of automotive waste are generated annually, necessitating efficient waste management strategies to mitigate environmental and health risks. ELVs contain hazardous substances such as heavy metals, oils, and plastics, which, if not properly managed, can contaminate soil and water resources. To address this challenge, reverse logistics networks play a crucial role in optimizing the recovery of used components, enhancing recycling efficiency, and ensuring the safe disposal of hazardous and non-recyclable waste. This paper introduces a mathematical programming model designed to minimize the total costs associated with ELVs collection, treatment, and transportation while also accounting for revenues from the resale of repaired, directly reusable, or recycled components. The proposed model determines the optimal locations for processing facilities and establishes efficient material flows within the reverse logistics network. By integrating economic and environmental considerations, this model supports the development of a sustainable and cost-effective automotive waste management system, ultimately contributing to a circular economy approach in the industry.


Supply Chain; ELV; Reverse Logistics; Recycling Networ; Environmental Impacts; Circular Economy


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How to Cite

Imane Rouichat, Miloudia Slaoui, Houria El Bakraoui, Jamal Mabrouki, & Mohamed El Allaoui. (2025). A Reverse Logistics Network Model for Efficient End-of-Life Vehicle Management in Morocco. Journal of Environmental & Earth Sciences, 7(3), 341–350. https://doi.org/10.30564/jees.v7i3.7660