Building Sustainable Affordable Housing: A Review of Critical Risks, Barriers, and Success Drivers
This review examines the critical risks, barriers, and success factors in achieving sustainable affordable housing (SAH) by addressing environmental, economic, social and technical dimensions of sustainability. The aim of this study is to identify different critical risks and barriers to the development of the Sustainable Affordable Housing (SAH) CSF framework. The objectives of this research are to define SAH (Sustainable Affordable Housing) and important factors for achieving SAH and to develop SAH Critical Success Factors (CSFs) frameworks. To achieve these objectives, there are two methods for reviewing and analyzing documents, i.e., systematic review and bibliographic review. The years of publication are limited to 2014 to 2023 in the English language and restricted to open access. A total of 63 articles were retrieved and screened for relevance identified as directly relevant to our topic using the PRISMA systematic review process. The growth pattern aligns strongly with an exponential growth model, as evidenced by a high R² value of 0.9133 indicating a robust correlation and demonstrating the accelerating interest in the field over the past decade. This comprehensive analysis led to the development of the sustainable affordable housing (SAH) critical success framework, providing a structured approach to understanding and implementing critical factors for sustainable and affordable housing initiatives. The findings emphasize the need for integrated policy reforms, innovative construction technologies, and collaborative stakeholder engagement to advance the SAH agenda. Future research directions include conducting longitudinal studies to assess the long-term impacts of SAH policies, comparative analyses of international best practices, and explorations into emerging construction technologies.
Sustainable Affordable Housing (SAH); Housing Affordabilit; Critical Risks; Critical Barriers; VOSviewerReferences
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