Optimizing the Asset and Liability Management of Telecommunication Company using Goal Programming Model
Since the telecommunications companies experience great competition, high churn rate, data traffic issues during the Covid-19 pandemic and the upgrade to 5G connectivity, the finance management of a telecommunications company should be analyzed to study the volatility and returns in the sector. This paper aims to develop a goal programming model to examine the asset and liability management of a telecommunication company, namely Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM) in Malaysia. The result of this study shows that TM has achieved all the goals in maximizing assets, equities, profits, earnings and optimum management item while minimizing liabilities over the period of study from 2015 to 2019. Potential improvements on these goals have also been identified through this study. This paper has also contributed to the studies in financial management since past studies have not been done on asset and liability management in telecommunications companies which is rapidly growing and expanding even while the world is suffering from economy crisis during this pandemic.Keywords:
Goal programming; Optimal solution; Telecommunication; Potential improvementReferences
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