Enhancing Semantic Segmentation through Reinforced Active Learning: Combating Dataset Imbalances and Bolstering Annotation Efficiency
This research addresses the challenges of training large semantic segmentation models for image analysis, focusing on expediting the annotation process and mitigating imbalanced datasets. In the context of imbalanced datasets, biases related to age and gender in clinical contexts and skewed representation in natural images can affect model performance. Strategies to mitigate these biases are explored to enhance efficiency and accuracy in semantic segmentation analysis. An in-depth exploration of various reinforced active learning methodologies for image segmentation is conducted, optimizing precision and efficiency across diverse domains. The proposed framework integrates Dueling Deep Q-Networks (DQN), Prioritized Experience Replay, Noisy Networks, and Emphasizing Recent Experience. Extensive experimentation and evaluation of diverse datasets reveal both improvements and limitations associated with various approaches in terms of overall accuracy and efficiency. This research contributes to the expansion of reinforced active learning methodologies for image segmentation, paving the way for more sophisticated and precise segmentation algorithms across diverse domains. The findings emphasize the need for a careful balance between exploration and exploitation strategies in reinforcement learning for effective image segmentation.
Semantic segmentation; Active learning; Reinforcement learningReferences
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