Thermomechanical and Flow Analysis of a Typical Truck Radiator Using PTC-Creo
In automobile engines, it is commonly known that the proper removal of the excess heat, resulted from internal combustion, is of high significance in the prevention of numerous negative consequences. In this regard, the radiator has a pivotal role as the main component of the engine’s cooling system. Hence, its design and analysis are highly important, requiring more comprehensive failure and flow investigations. In this work, a Scania radiator is examined under the thermal and mechanical loads, followed by its analysis under the combined thermomechanical loading. Then, the flow characteristics, including the velocity, pressure, and enthalpy, are studied. In this regard, PTC-Creo software is utilized. The results demonstrate that the thermal stress causes seven times more displacement than the mechanical one. When they are combined, this value reaches 1.5 mm. Also, the maximum failure index value of the Tresca theory is around 4.58, observed at the inlet side of the radiator. Besides, this paper indicates that the PTC-Creo can be considered as a reliable and economical tool for simulation of industrial applications, such as the considered radiator of a heavy-duty cooling system.
Radiator; Thermo-mechanical Analysis; Flow Analysis; PTC-Creo; ScaniaReferences
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