Research on Aircraft Engine Bearing Clearance Fault Diagnosis Method Based on MFO-VMD and GMFE
Bearings are crucial components in aircraft power systems and mechanical structures, and their complex fault characteristics significantly impact flight safety. To improve the accuracy of aircraft bearing fault diagnosis, this paper proposes a novel diagnostic method based on optimized Variational Mode Decomposition (VMD) and Generalized Multi-Scale Fuzzy Entropy (GMFE). First, the Moth-Flame Optimization (MFO) algorithm is used to optimize the two parameters of the VMD signal decomposition method—the number of modes and the penalty factor —to obtain the optimal parameter combination . This optimized VMD method is then applied for signal decomposition and reconstruction of bearing vibration signals. Next, the GMFE entropy algorithm is employed to extract fault features from the reconstructed signals, resulting in the required set of bearing fault feature vectors. Finally, the extracted feature vector set is input into a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model for classification and diagnosis of aircraft bearing faults. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method effectively enhances the identification accuracy of bearing diagnosis and demonstrates excellent fault feature extraction capabilities.
Aircraft; Bearing; Variational Mode Decomposition; Generalized Multi-Scale Fuzzy Entropy; Fault DiagnosisReferences
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