Sustainable Textile Industry: An Overview
The purpose of this study was to offer a general concept and overview of the textile industry’s environmental sustainability assessment. The textile and garment industries cause environmental damage at every stage of manufacturing, from the cultivation of raw materials through the disposal of finished goods. Chemical loading, high water consumption, high energy consumption, air pollution, solid waste, and odour creation are all key environmental concerns in the textile industry. To achieve sustainable production, it is necessary to examine the performance of the textile sector while considering the three elements of sustainability. To study and locate recent and related works, five keywords were used: environmental; sustainability; eco-design; manufacturer; supply chain management. All through the life cycle of textile products, the textile sector has a substantial environmental impact. This paper illustrates how the textile industry may use strategic ways to improve ecologically sustainable textile product usage and manufacturing. A discussion is focused on how to be increased sustainability in the textile industry. This paper introduces key principles for ecologically sustainable business practices to consider (e.g., eco-design, corporate social responsibility, and green supply chain management). It is critical that all stakeholders in the textile industry, including consumers, producers, environmental protection is emphasized in the manufacture and use of textile goods by the distribution chain and customers.
Sustainable; Industry; Eco-design; ManufacturerReferences
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