I am very happy to announce that the Non-Metallic Material Science (NMMS) which is an open access and multidisciplinary academic journal and a technical platform bringing out original research work and covering all aspects of non-metallic materials, has started its publication journey by the Bilingual Publishing Co., in 2019. The scope of the journal is devoted to publish original... More
The kinetics of free-radical crosslinking co-polymerization (FRCCP) of acrylic acid (AA) with both methacrylic acid (MA) (PAMA hydrogel ) and maleic acid (MAL) (PAMAL hydrogel) was investigated under the conditions of isothermal conventional heating (CH) and under the conditions of microwave heating (MWH) with controlled cooling. The kinetics curves of FRCCP of PAMA and PAMAL... More
Cholesteric liquid crystal (Ch-LC) exhibits many remarkable optical properties due to formation of a macroscopic helical structure. A low amount of monomer (5wt.%) is dispersed into cholesteric liquid crystal and get polymerized under UV radiations to form polymer stabilized cholesteric texture (PSCT). The thermo-chromic response made this device suitable for the developing applications in thermal... More
Freshwater scarcity is a critical challenge that human society has to face in the 21st century. Desalination of seawater by reverse osmosis (RO) membranes was regarded as the most promising technology to overcome the challenge given that plenty of potential fresh water resources in oceans. However, the requirements for high desalination efficiency in terms of permeation... More
This critical review presents a parametric approach to the evaluation of flexural strength of advanced ceramic or glass like cylindrical rods at ambient temperature. The parameters governing the measurement and evaluation of flexure strengths of glasses and ceramics are detailed with references. The scope for improvement in the existing ASTM STM C -1684 standard is... More