Weathering of Wood and Rocks and the Role of Coating in Protection
This article explores the effect of weathering on the degradation of wood and rocks and discusses its prevention strategies and safety aspects. Weathering, including natural, enhanced, accelerated, silicates, polymer degradation and erosion is discussed in this article. Rocks weather naturally very slowly and gradually. Minerals weathering and silica-rich layer formation during single-stage and two-stage carbonation like serpentinization of rocks are discussed. A substantial amount of work has been performed for polymeric coatings globally to extend the life of coating surfaces. The ideal coating system would combine the advantages of performance offered by solvent-based coatings with the advantages offered by water-based coatings in the areas of environmental protection, health and safety. Weathering prevention will stop the wastage of materials.
Weathering; Climate; Polymer coating; Environmental protectionReferences
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