Optimization of Input Parameters of AWJM: Using Three Different Abrasives on MS2062
The objective of this work is to optimize input parameters of AWJM (Abrasive Water Jet Machining) such as Nozzle Transverse Speed (NTS), Abrasive Flow Rate (AFR) and Stand-off Distance (SOD) using three different abrasives Garnet, Brown Fused Alumina and White Aluminum Oxide on MS2062 and to compare their performance with surface finish, MRR and kerf angle. Experiments were conducted according to Taguchi’s design of experiments. Analysis of variance is conducted to investigate the influence of each parameter on responses Three controllable parameters of three levels are applied for determining the optimal responses The results revealed that NTS is a most significant factor for MRR among three abrasives followed by AFR and SOD, with regards to surface finish and MRR White Aluminum Oxide has emerged as a most strong abrasive followed by Brown Fused Alumina and Garnet. It is recommended, to achieve the better surface finish, less kerf angle and good MRR White Aluminum Oxide be used in place of Garnet which is mostly used by the industry today.
Garnet; White aluminum oxide; Brown fused alumina; Nozzle transverse speed; Abrasive flow Rate; Standoff distance; Kerf angle; MRR; Taguchi; ANOVAReferences
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