Role of Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) Height and Ventilation Coefficient on Urban Air Quality- A study based on Observations and NWP Model


  • Aditi Singh Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi, India



Air pollution is an issue of great concern in any urban region due to its serious health implications. The capital of India, New Delhi continues to be in the list of most polluted cities since 2014. The air quality of any region depends on the ability of dispersion of air pollutants. The height or depth of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is one measure of dispersion of air pollutants. Ventilation coefficient is another crucial parameter in determining the air quality of any region. Both of these parameters are obtained over Delhi from the operational global numerical weather prediction (NWP) model of National Centre for Medium Range Weather forecasting (NCMRWF) known as NCMRWF Unified Model (NCUM). The height of ABL over Delhi, is also obtained from radiosonde observations using the parcel method. A good agreement is found between the observed and predicted values of ABL height. The maximum height of ABL is obtained during summer season and minimum is obtained in winter season. High values of air pollutants are found when the values of ABL height and ventilation coefficient are low. 


ABL; Ventilation Coefficient; Parcel Method; Air Quality Index; NWP model


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How to Cite

Singh, A. (2019). Role of Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) Height and Ventilation Coefficient on Urban Air Quality- A study based on Observations and NWP Model. Journal of Atmospheric Science Research, 2(3), 11–16.


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