The changing climate is unequivocal, and it is generally recognised as a threat to the terrestrial environment due to its cross-sectoral and irreversible impacts. Since the inception of industrial revolution (1750), the concentration of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide) in the atmosphere has been compromised. Until the past two centuries, the... More
Transport sector is cited among the key emitted sector. In Burkina Faso, road transport occupies more than 60% of the emissions of the entire transport sector. However, there is no model equation for greenhouse gases modelling in transport sector. A methodology combining literature review and survey has been adopted to develop the simplified model equation... More
Abstract: The goal was to perform the filling, consistency and processing of the rainfall time series data from 1943 to 2013 in five regions of the state. Data were obtained from several sources (ANA, CPRM, INMET, SERLA and LIGHT), totaling 23 stations. The time series (raw data) showed failures that were filled with data from TRMM... More
This paper contributes to explain the global warming instead of "giving up" and thinking about passively adapting to climate change or global warming. It makes more sense to tackle what creates the greenhouse effect and contributes to global warming. The greenhouse effect is not only due to GHGs emissions, but also to the excess IR... More
Abstract: This study analyzed rainfall variability in Southeast region of Nigeria using graphical models, as well as using statistical approach to investigate any significant relationship between the global North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Index and the regional rainfall variability in region. The study was conducted in three States of Southeastern Nigeria namely, Abia, Ebonyi and Imo States... More