Abstract: In work features of a hydrological regime of catchments of the river of the Pripyat in climate change are considered. Researches of meteorological characteristics of the given territory show the tendency to growth, both temperatures of air, and precipitation, evaporation from a surface of water and ground also show the tendency to increase. That is... More
Environmental fungi can damage the documentary heritage conserved in archives and affect the personnel’s health if their concentrations, thermohygrometric parameters and ventilation conditions are not adequate, problems that can be accentuated by Climate Change. The aims of this work were to identify and to characterize the airborne fungal pollution of naturally ventilated repositories in the... More
In the context of a changing climate, the Beninese Niger River basin has been the focus of several research studies for the quantification, planning, and modeling of water and related resources for sustainable use. This research aims to characterize the historical (1976-2019) and projected (2021- 2050) hydrological drought of the Beninese Niger River basin.... More
The identification method revealed asymmetric fluctuations in the dynamics of the average annual temperature in New Delhi from 1931 to 2021, that is, for 90 years. An analysis of the wave patterns of climate until 2110 was carried out. Geotechnology of the Himalayan passage was proposed to reduce heat waves in India and China. Formulas... More