Utilization of Crop Stubble as Alternate Source of Electricity Generation
The states of India including Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Himachal Pradesh follow combine harvesting method followed by burning of crop stubble to clear the fields for next crop. Crop stubble burning is the reason of annual increment in pollution concentrations which lead to massive winter pollution in the region. However, several initiatives for its proper management have been taken up by various departments and institutions of the states’ government but still air pollution level is increasing. Instead of burning the crop residue, it can be used in other ways, which are beneficial to humanity. Keeping in view the increasing problems associated with the crop stubble burning in the state of Punjab, we have taken some steps towards exploring alternative uses of straw instead of burning. This study is an attempt to outline alternative use like use of rice straw for generation of electricity through microbial fuel cell. With the help of this crop stubble, electricity can be produced, and it can be used as a sustainable source of energy in the remote areas. This study underscores the importance of rice straw as a potential source of biomass for recovering energy through MFCs. It is also focused on suggesting policies to the government so that air pollution can be minimized in affected areas.
Crop stubble burning; Electricity; Microbial fuel cellReferences
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