Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Climate
Atmospheric radiative fluxes are evaluated for the line-by-line model of spectral lines in considering the atmosphere as a weakly nonuniform plane layer and altitude profiles of its parameters are taken from the model of standard atmosphere. Concepts of molecular spectroscopy are combined with the local thermodynamic equilibrium for greenhouse gases and with information from HITRAN data base for parameters of radiative transitions. In addition, the energetic balance of the Earth allows one to determine the radiative flux from clouds. As a result, the algorithm is worked out for evaluation of the atmospheric radiative flux toward the Earth depending on its composition. We below concentrate on the change of atmospheric radiative fluxes as a result of doubling of the concentration of CO2 molecules. It is shown that the change of the global temperature in this case according to the above algorithm in 5-6 times exceeds that followed from climatological models which are based on old spectral data, rather than those from HITRAN data base. These codes ignore overlapping of spectral lines of atmospheric radiators.
Absorption coefficient; Cloud emission; Global temperature; Infrared radiation; Optical thickness; Radiative molecular transitionsReferences
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