Long-term Climatic Changes in the Northeastern Baikal Region (Russia)
Due to global climate change it is important to constantly monitor the current climate state, observed trends and timely detection of their changes. The change in the hydrothermal regime has to result into changes in natural ecosystems. The analysis of long-term changes of mean annual temperatures and annual precipitation in warm and cold seasons over 1955-2017 years was carried out using data of the Davsha meteorological station , 54, 35˚N., 109,5˚E. Significant warming in the Northern Baikal region has been observed since 1990 and continues to the present. The climate is subcontinental with cool and short summers, frosty and long winters. In the last decade, there has been a shift of the beginning some phenology seasons. This had an effect on the increase in the warm season of the year and the duration of the frost-free period (by 5 days from the long-term average date). Spring comes earlier - for 3 days, summer and the last frost - for 5 days, autumn comes later - for 2 days.
Temperature; Precipitation; Oceanite; Continentality; Hydro thermality; Phenological border; BaikalReferences
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