Bioclimatic Regularities of Change in the Density of Organic Carbon of the Steppe Soil in Different Regions of the World


  • Peter M. Mazurkin Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia



The bioclimatic regularities between the average annual precipitation, average annual temperatures and the density of organic carbon in the soil layer of 0-30 cm of the steppes in the regions of the world are given. They are distinguished by a high certainty of quantization by asymmetric wave equations. It turned out that, due to the vibrational adaptation of organic carbon, precipitation and temperature are dependent on each other. For example, the model of the influence of precipitation on temperature includes the first term in the form of Laplace’s law (in mathematics), Mandelbrot’ law (in physics), Zipf-Perl (in biology), and Pareto (in econometrics). The second term is the biotechnical law of the author of the article, which gives the maximum change in the indicator. Both components form a trend that makes it possible to divide the precipitation interval into three stages: (1) with an increase in precipitation from 0 to 60 mm, the temperature decreases according to Mandelbrot’s law from 23.25 to 0.5 0С; (2) from 60 to 2100 mm, the temperature rises to 24 ° C; (3) with a further increase in precipitation over 2100 mm, a slow decrease in temperature occurs. The third term is an asymmetric wavelet with a constant half-period of 367.8 mm. A positive sign shows that in the steppes there is a positive oscillatory adaptation of temperature to changes in precipitation. In the interval of precipitation 0-350 mm, an oscillatory decrease in temperature occurs. It turns out that the first oscillation at 0 mm precipitation begins with a very high temperature gradient of thermal energy. The first interval includes Mongolia and Inner Mongolia. In the second interval of 350- 750 mm, an oscillatory increase in temperature occurs. Then, in the third interval 750-1050 mm, the temperature drops again. The second oscillation with a correlation coefficient of 0.9685 has clear precipitation boundaries in the range of 200-2000 mm. Due to the negative sign, the fluctuation is a crisis, inhibiting the rise in temperature. And the third fluctuation has a positive effect on the temperature. The mechanism of oscillatory adaptation in the steppe soil is so perfect that it changes for itself the conditions of the place where the grass grows. An amplitude-frequency analysis of each oscillation will make it possible to determine the specific particular effects of precipitation and temperature on each other and on the density of organic carbon. It was found that two-factor modeling of the change in the soil organic carbon density makes it possible to achieve an identification error even less than the absolute measurement error.


Regions of the world; Steppes; Soil; Organic carbon; Patterns


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How to Cite

Mazurkin, P. M. (2021). Bioclimatic Regularities of Change in the Density of Organic Carbon of the Steppe Soil in Different Regions of the World. Journal of Atmospheric Science Research, 4(1), 16–25.


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