Environmental Energetics aspects of anomalous Cyclogenesis over Indian Ocean during 2013
An attempt has been made to understand the dynamics behind anomalous cyclogenesis over Indian Ocean during 2013 cyclone seasons, from an atmospheric energetics point of view. Salient features of the results of this study are: Maximum intensification of all the intense cyclonic vortices was associated with an enhancement in both conversion from eddy available potential energy to eddy kinetic energy (AE to KE ) and zonal kinetic energy to eddy kinetic energy (KZ to KE). During intensification of the storms both AE and AZ have shown to be dissipated, suggesting the intensification of storms at the cost of AE and AZ . For all of these systems baroclinic eddy kinetic energy conversions [conversion from AE to KE ] dominates over barotropic eddy kinetic energy conversions [conversion from KZ to KE]. Anomalous cyclogenesis in 2013, at least partly may be attributed to a positive anomaly in Moist Static Energy (MSE) of the environment along with positive anomaly in baroclinic and barotropic eddy kinetic energy conversion during cyclone seasons over the region under study. Release of convective instability in the atmosphere may also be attributed, at least partly, for anomalous cyclogenesis in 2013.
Energetics Anomalous Cyclogenesis Cyclonic Vortices; Convective InstabilityReferences
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