Moderate Geomagnetic Storm Condition, WAAS Alerts and real GPS Positioning Quality
The most significant part of the Wade Area Augmentation System (WAAS) integrity data consists of the User Differential Range Error (UDRE) and the Grid Ionospheric Vertical Error (GIVE). WAAS solutions are not completely appropriate to determine the GIVE term within the entire wade area coverage zone taking in account real irregular structure of the ionosphere. It leads to the larger confidence bounding terms and lower expected positioning availability in comparison to the reality under geomagnetic storm conditions and system outages. Thus a question arises: is the basic WAAS concept appropriate to provide the same efficiency of the integrity monitoring for both “global differential correction (i.e. clock, ephemeris etc)” and “local differential correction (i.e. ionoshrere, troposhpere and multipath)”? The aim of this paper is to compare official WAAS integrity monitoring reports and real positioning quality in US coverage zone (CONUS) and Canada area under geomagnetic storm conditions and system outages. In this research we are interested in comparison between real GPS positioning quality based on one-frequency C/A ranging mode and HAL (VAL) values which correspond to the LP, LPV and LPV200 requirements. Significant mismatch of the information between WAAS integrity data and real positioning quality was unfolded as a result of this comparison under geomagnetic storms and system outages on February, 2011 and June 22, 2015. Based on this result we think that in order to achieve high confidence of WAAS positioning availability alerts real ionospheric measurements within the wide area coverage zone must be involved instead of the WAAS GIVE values. The better way to realize this idea is to combine WAAS solutions to derive “global differential corrections” and LAAS solutions to derive “local differential corrections”.Keywords:
Ionosphere and SBAS; Auroral oval and WAAS integrity; DGPS; Differential GNSS integrity under geomagnetic stormsReferences
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