Main Characteristics of Dust Storm sand Their Radiative Impacts: With a Focuson Tajikistan
Dust storms are commonly occurring phenomena in Tajikistan. The known aridity of the region is a major factor in promoting numerous dust storms. They have many diverse impacts on the environment and the climate of the region. The classification of dust storms and synoptic conditions related to their formation in Central Asia are discussed in the content of their diverse impact. We address dust optical properties that are representative of the region. Dust storms significantly reduce visibly and pose a human health threads. They also cause a significant impact on the radiative regime. As a result, dust storms may cause a decrease in temperature during daytime of up to 16 о С and an increase in temperature during night time from up to 7 о С compared to a clear day.
Dust storms; Dust haze; Temperature effect of aerosol; Aerosol optical thickness; Desert zone; Arid zone; Dust aerosolReferences
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