Spatio-temporal Changes in the Regime of Rivers in the Pripyat River Catchment and Climate Change
In work features of a hydrological regime of catchments of the river of the Pripyat in climate change are considered. Researches of meteorological characteristics of the given territory show the tendency to growth, both temperatures of air, and precipitation, evaporation from a surface of water and ground also show the tendency to increase. That is not unequivocally reflected in change of a course of hydrological characteristics waters objects of territory. On a part of pools of the rivers the mid-annual runoff of water in the rivers in time tends to growth, and Change of levels of subsoil waters decreases for parts - on a turn - here, as a rule, tends a course in time opposite to a mid-annual runoff of water in the rivers. Change of the maximal temperature of water in the rivers in time repeats the tendency of a course of a runoff of water in them, i.e. at increase in a runoff of water in the rivers - the maximal temperature increases, and at reduction - decreases. The increase in temperature of a superficial component of a runoff of the rivers occurs because of the general increase in temperature of air in considered territory. Silt charge waters in all territory decreases, despite of increase in quantity of atmospheric precipitation and increases or reduction of a runoff of water in the rivers. The relationship between the water runoff layer and precipitation and soil moisture has a certain time delay. The average annual water temperature over time shows a tendency to increase at almost all stations, while the change in the maximum water temperature in rivers over time has a multidirectional tendency and to a greater extent depends on the change in water depth in the river, a decrease in high water maximums and frequent thaws, etc. The studies carried out show that the preservation of moisture in thick layers of soil (0 cm-100 cm) contributes to an increase in water flow in rivers and in the modern conditions of Polesie of Ukraine this will solve a number of problems with the provision of high-quality water resources for various industries and the population.Keywords:
Runoff; Silt discharge; Precipitation; Climate; Temperature of water; Agro-forest-meliorationReferences
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