Wave Dynamics of the Average Annual Temperature Surface Air Layer New Delhi for 1931-2021
The identification method revealed asymmetric fluctuations in the dynamics of the average annual temperature in New Delhi from 1931 to 2021, that is, for 90 years. An analysis of the wave patterns of climate until 2110 was carried out. Geotechnology of the Himalayan passage was proposed to reduce heat waves in India and China. Formulas containing four and 18 fluctuations were adopted for forecasting. Models give an increase in the heat wave from 2021, which is the fourth component. As a result, the landscape of the Himalayan mountains and the deserts of Thar and Takla Makan create a regional climate system that is original for the land of the Earth. In this system, oscillatory temperature adaptation in the future will be several times greater than the global warming rate predicted in the IPCC CMIP5 report. Between 2001 and 2019 the largest temperature increase wave maximum was observed in New Delhi at 0.65 °C in 2012-2013. In the sixth phase from 2036 to 2049, an ecological catastrophe will break out in New Delhi. According to calculations, the maximum value of the average annual temperature in New Delhi was 25.82 °C in 2017. Since then, the cooling has continued for four years, which will continue until 2028. The temperature will drop to 22.54 °C due to a change in solar activity by 3.28 °C. Then by 2044, the average annual temperature in New Delhi will increase to 31.03 °C, or the increment will be 31.03 – 22.54 = 8.49 °C. In 2035, the climate in New Delhi will become hotter compared to 2021. The increase in the heat wave is noticeable. From 1931 to 2049 there will be six half-periods of cooling and warming: 1) 23; 2) 23; 3) 20; 4) 18; 5) 15; 6) 13 years old. The most dangerous is the sixth stage. It is proposed at the fifth stage for 15 years until 2037 in northern India to the Takla Makan desert in China to build a passage up to 350 km long, 10 km-20 km wide and at least 4.5 km high.
New Delhi; Temperature 1931-2021; Critical wavelet; ForecastsReferences
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