The Evil Couple: Illegal Mining in Water Bodies and Climate Change: A Case Study of Ghana
For the past few decades, illegal mining sector in Ghana popularly known as galamsey has received public outcry due to its negative impacts on quantity and quality of water resources. The purpose of this study was to explore the combined effects of mining in water bodies and climate change on water resources in Ghana. The methodology explored in the study was quantitative approach. The quality and quantity of most water bodies in Ghana had been compromised due to extraction of minerals, and such contaminants (heavy metals) include mercury, zinc, cyanide, sulphur etc. This phenomenon had made most water resources (e.g. River Fena, River Pra) unwholesome or inhabitable. Apart from this, climate change had also dried up some streams and rivers such as Anyinam, Offin and Goa. These unfortunate events had made water resources precarious which could spike water scarcity in the country in the near future. This paper, therefore, commends that stringent measures are to be taken to protect water bodies in the country as a menace of climate will continue to get worse.
Climate change; Galamsey (illegal mining); Adaptation; MitigationReferences
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