To the Question of the Assessment of Ecological Comfort of the Climate
The article is devoted to the discussion of the advantages of assessing the environmental comfort of the climate, based on the natural features of the climate and the bioclimatic conditions of the territory. The study assessed the ecological comfort of the climate in the city of Taganrog on the basis of the developed original sequence of performing three stages of assessing the totality of bioclimatic indicators with the final calculation of the values of the integral indicator of the bioclimatic comfort of the climate. The results of the assessment showed, according to the average long-term climatic data, the presence of sub-comfortable climates with a tendency to transition to comfortable climate conditions in the warm period of the year. The cold season was distinguished by uncomfortable conditions according to long-term average climatic data. Modeling calculations of the possible risk to the health of city residents in the presence of concentrations of suspended solids in the surface air layer, together with carbon monoxide, exceeding the maximum one-time values by more than 7 times, showed that the development of possible resorptive or carcinogenic effects in these circumstances will occur in 1/3 the population of the city. The prospects for the assessment of the ecological comfort of the climate, which allow in the future to adequately calculate the magnitude of environmental risks to public health caused by pollution of the surface air layer, are shown.
Bioclimatic indicators; Ecological comfort of the climate; Self-purification of the atmosphere; Pathogenicity of meteorological conditionsReferences
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