Monitoring and Quantification of Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Impact of Sea Surface Temperature on Marine Ecosystems as Climate Change Indicators in the Niger Delta Using Geospatial Technology


  • Okechukwu Okpobiri Department of Geology, River State University, Rivers State, 500101, Nigeria
  • Eteh Desmond Rowand Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Amassoma. Bayelsa State, 560103, Nigeria
  • Francis Emeka Egobueze Institution of Geoscience Space Technology, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, River State, 500101, Nigeria
  • Mogo Felicia Chinwe African Marine Environment Sustainability Initiative (AFMESI) Festac Lagos, 102312, Nigeria



The Niger Delta marine environment has experienced a series of environmental disasters since the inception of oil and gas exploration, which can be attributed to climate change. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and sea surface temperature (T) ties associated with burning fossil fuels, such as gas flaring, vehicular traffic, and marine vessel movement along the sea, are increasing. Using data extracted from the NASA Giovanni satellite’s Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), this study mapped the carbon footprint and T along the coastline into the deep sea from 2003 to 2011, using ArcGIS software. The spatial distribution of CO2 and T concentrations determined by the inverse distance weighting (IDW) method reveals variations in the study area. The results show an increase in the quantity of the mean tropospheric CO2 from July 2003 to December 2011, from 374.5129 ppm to 390.7831 ppm annual CO2 emissions, which also reflects a continuous increase. The average Monthly sea surface temperature had a general increasing trend from 25.79 °C in July 2003 to 27.8 °C in December, with the Pearson correlation coefficient between CO2 and T indicating 50% strongly positive, 20% strongly negative, 20% weakly positive,and 10% weakly negative. CO2 levels, like temperature, follow a seasonal cycle, with a decrease during the wet season due to precipitation dissolving and plant uptake during the growing season, and then a rise during the dry season. Carbon capture and storage technologies must be implemented to benefit the marine ecosystem and human well-being.


Carbon footprint; NASA Giovanni; Climate change; Coastline; Carbon capture and storage


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How to Cite

Okpobiri, O., Rowand, E. D., Egobueze, F. E., & Chinwe, M. F. (2023). Monitoring and Quantification of Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Impact of Sea Surface Temperature on Marine Ecosystems as Climate Change Indicators in the Niger Delta Using Geospatial Technology. Journal of Atmospheric Science Research, 6(1), 1–20.


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