Relationship and Variability of Atmospheric Precipitation Characteristics in the North-West of Ukraine
The paper deals with the issues of differentiation of atmospheric precipitation into gradations according to their characteristics and established meteorological practices. The division of atmospheric precipitation into gradations allows one to have an idea of the possible consequences of their fallout on life in the area. The dependence of the average intensity of precipitation on their duration for the entire series of observations is not described by a power-law dependence with a sufficient degree of reliability, and when differentiating into gradations according to the amount of precipitation (< 2.5 mm, 2.5-10 mm, ≥ 10 mm), the dependences are obtained with a high degree of correlation. The scatter of points can be explained by the presence of intermediate categories of precipitation, which does not take into account the accepted division of the data. Thus, for large values of the amount of precipitation, the existence of a separate curve is possible, since the existing classifications of precipitation imply the division of heavy showers into separate gradations. Differentiation of rains by their duration shows a stronger stratification of the field of points for shorter rains (up to 60 minutes). This stratification of the field of points is successfully differentiated into shorter segments of 20, 30 minutes. Associated with the greater heterogeneity of shorter precipitation, it can be both rains of low intensity and heavy downpours of short duration. The probability of the position of the maximum intensity of precipitation during rain has more significant differences for precipitation less than 2.5 mm (the curves are more curved). For rains with a precipitation amount of 2.5 mm or more, the probability curves approach straight lines, which is associated with greater heterogeneity of precipitation less than 2.5 mm.
Precipitation; Gradation; Intensity; Duration; ShowerReferences
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